Wednesday, June 15, 2016

AgileStack SwitchStream Technology Version 3 Available for Download

The AgileStack is the industry’s first, and only, fully configurable power conversion module that features AgileStack SwitchStream technology to control, protect and monitor over 40 points of operating and fault conditions and Stack BlackBox technology to store on-board fault data in the event of catastrophic failure.

An advancement in the configurability of this system has just been released. SwitchStreamTM Technology Version 3 is now available for download.  11 new features have been added that provide the tools to control the AgileStack at a higher level. A few of the majors items that have been implemented include:
Voltage Gain and Offset calculations to the voltage measurements
Temperature conversion table for more precise temperature measurement readings
Current Measurement packets to the Temperature and Voltage packets
HB Voltage 1 and 3 logic and support in the Auto Voltage packets

Download your copy today. Follow this link: SwitchStream Technology Version 3.