Tuesday, November 8, 2016

AgileSwitch to get patent for SiC module switching Tech

Power Systems Design reports today that "AgileSwitch, innovator of intelligent IGBT and SiC MOSFET gate drivers, announced that it has “allowed patent claims” related to its proprietary ATOFF (Augmented Turn-Off)) switching technique. The firm expects the formal patent to be awarded within the next 60 to 90 days."

Read the full article here: Power Systems Design article

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Advanced Protection for Silicon Carbide (SiC) Power Semiconductors

Protecting the power semiconductor is a continuous process and AgileSwitch Gate Drivers have a unique capability in this regard. The driver boards from AgileSwitch are able to reduce the stress on the Power Semiconductor while reducing switching losses, through the use of Augmented Turn-Off

Under normal operating conditions, the gate voltage in a turn-off cycle steps through an intermediate level before reaching the off voltage level. Under short circuit conditions, the gate voltage steps through multiple intermediate levels before reaching the off voltage level.

A detailed explanation of the benefits of Augmented Turn-Off can be found here.

In addition to this continuous process, what else do we protect against?
  • Power Supply Under Voltage or Over Voltage
  • Over Current (Short Circuit)
  • Overtemperature 
  • DC Link Overvoltage

          Friday, August 19, 2016

          Effects of Two-Level Turn-Off on Silicon Carbide Module Performance

          Switching an SiC MOSFET Power Module creates two significant problems that need to be addressed to optimize the performance of the device: turn-off spikes and ringing. These two parasitic problems need to be controlled while maintaining efficient switching.

          AgileSwitch has developed a patent-pending line of programmable Gate Drive Boards (GDBs) that address these problems, controlling the turn-off di/dt by varying the gate voltage level and dwell time to an intermediate level during turn-off. This process is typically referred to as Two-Level Turn-Off or 2LTO, while having more than one intermediate step is referred to as Multi-Level Turn-Off or MLTO.

          In addition, AgileSwitch software configurable GDBs report out 7 unique fault conditions along with Temperature and DC Link Voltage. The combination of these effects will help drive growth in adoption of SiC devices, and the inverters that they support.

          Download your copy today. Follow this link: Effect of Two-Level Turn-Off on Silicon Carbide Module Performance

          Tuesday, August 2, 2016

          Increased Silicon Carbide (SiC) efficiencies using Two-Level Turn-Off

          Switching an SiC MOSFET Power Module creates two significant problems that need to be addressed to optimize the performance of the device: turn-off spikes and ringing.  These two parasitic problems need to be controlled while maintaining efficient switching. AgileSwitch has developed a patent-pending line of programmable Gate Drive Boards (GDBs) that address these problems, controlling the turn-off di/dt by varying the gate voltage level and dwell time to an intermediate level during turn-off. This process is typically referred to as Two-Level Turn-Off or 2LTO, while having more than one intermediate step is referred to as Multi-Level Turn-Off or MLTO.

          In addition, AgileSwitch software configurable GDBs report out 7 unique fault conditions along with Temperature and DC Link Voltage. The combination of these effects will help drive growth in adoption of SiC devices, and the inverters that they support.

          Download your copy today. Follow this link: Effect of Two-Level Turn-Off on Silicon Carbide Module Performance

          New Silicon Carbide (SiC) evaluation kits for 50kW and higher applications.

          AgileSwitch Silicon Carbide (SiC) Evaluation Kits are fast, powerful, and compact. They dramatically reduce the development time required to implement SiC Power Modules in DC-AC Inverters, DC-DC Converters and other power circuits.

          To learn more, click here.

          Wednesday, June 15, 2016

          AgileStack SwitchStream Technology Version 3 Available for Download

          The AgileStack is the industry’s first, and only, fully configurable power conversion module that features AgileStack SwitchStream technology to control, protect and monitor over 40 points of operating and fault conditions and Stack BlackBox technology to store on-board fault data in the event of catastrophic failure.

          An advancement in the configurability of this system has just been released. SwitchStreamTM Technology Version 3 is now available for download.  11 new features have been added that provide the tools to control the AgileStack at a higher level. A few of the majors items that have been implemented include:
          Voltage Gain and Offset calculations to the voltage measurements
          Temperature conversion table for more precise temperature measurement readings
          Current Measurement packets to the Temperature and Voltage packets
          HB Voltage 1 and 3 logic and support in the Auto Voltage packets

          Download your copy today. Follow this link: SwitchStream Technology Version 3.